Feeling unmoored in our Age of Anxiety, I have been thinking about the importance of rituals (of which I have none). My plan for 2023—dare I confess, my resolution—is to develop something of a Sabbath ritual.
On Fridays, I teach a couple morning classes and then, unless I get dragooned into some godforsaken meeting, I have a four-hour break before my afternoon class. During one of these free periods, I will duck into the quiet study room in library and reflect on my week.
I hope to explore my week in teaching and learning, podcasting and parenting, creating and consuming.
I plan to marry this reflective writing process with some kind of Friday ritual upon my return home. Not being one for candles nor prayers, I haven’t figured that part out yet. But I reckon I can explore my quest for a meaningful week-end ritual in this newsletter as well.
This could be a foot-long nothing sandwich. But, hey. New year, new ambition.
This year I want to slow it down and reflect. Join me, will ya?
One more thing. Substackers seem to agree that newsletter readers want photos. My gut instinct was—and still is—readers want photos? Oy. Ok.
Here is my new fave family photo. It’s from our trip to Catalunya in November ‘22.