Student-Generated Klausuren, Fall 2013

I cleaned these up a bit (some more than others). All are legitimate klausuren and worthy of your consideration. You can and should use these to practice:

  • writing introductions and conclusions
  • thesis statements
  • outlines
  • topic and transition sentences
  • document analysis using APPARTS
  • pacing and timing (90 minutes flies)

To what extent is the Constitution a Democratic document?
To what extent does the Constitution provide a federal balance?
To what extent is power equally distributed among the three branches of government?
Thomas Jefferson: A complex Renaissance Man or a self-justifying hypocrite?
Was the American System good for America?
Was Civil War inevitable after the Crisis in Kansas?
Too much compromise? (compromise as a source of instability and sectionalism)
To what extent was slavery the primary cause of the Civil War?

One Nation Indivisible?

Nationalism refers to an ideology, a sentiment, a social movement, and an approach to governance that focuses on the nation. It fosters a collective identity. In the specific case of the U.S., nationalism refers to devoting primary loyalty to the United States as opposed to a region or a state. As a corollary to this, the U.S. government, according to nationalists, should reign supreme over state and local governments.

Sectionalism refers to an ideology, a sentiment, a social movement and an approach to governance that focuses on the sovereignty of one section of a country. In the specific case of the U.S., sectionalism refers to devoting primary loyalty to one’s state or region as opposed to the “United” States. As a corollary to this, state governments, according to sectionalists, should wield considerable powers vis-à-vis the national government.


Throughout the Antebellum Era (1789-1861) numerous events took place which led to struggles between advocates of nationalism and advocates of sectionalism. In most cases these are complex issues which can only be properly understood in the context of the antebellum milieu.
Your task is to, describe and analyze each issue:

  1. Describe the issue: tell the story. Describe the basic facts: who, what, when, where, and why.
  2. Analyze the impact of this issue: thoughtfully explain how this event contributed to nationalism, sectionalism, or both. Your explanation requires an argument about whether this event contributed primarily to nationalism or sectionalism.

You may bullet point your responses to the summary in part A; you must explain your analysis in part B in full sentences.
You may use your textbook and/or the internet.
This will be a time consuming endeavor which, if done carefully and methodically and thoughtfully, will give you a nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by the new nation and the causes of the Civil War.

Here is you assignment. Take your time. Stop and think. Enjoy.

Large vs. Small Parcels of Western Land

Wikipedia on The Preemption Act of 1841, the  Donation Land Claim Act of 1850, and the Homestead Act (1862)

A summary of the Preemption Act 

The fight for the Preemption Act 

Good summary of the Homestead Act from NARA  

Primary Source Document: The Homestead Act

Free homes for free men. Speech of Hon. G. A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, in the House of Representatives, February 29, 1860

Horace Greeley and the Western Land Debate: “Go West, young man, go forth into the Country.”